Hi! I’m Mark…
It all started when….
… A friend mine had a friend who practiced yoga at his home in Oakland, California. We visited while he was practicing and I jumped in on a whim. No mat and in my jeans and t-shirt. I followed what he was doing and it felt pretty good. A few years later, I tried it again and then I started watching Rodney Yee videos at home when I lived in California. I even went to his studio in Claremont back in the late 80’s. My practice was sporadic and ego centered, wanting to strenghthen my body but not necessarily my spirit. Well, to make a long story short, I’ve really changed that perspective. I’ve been practicing yoga for over 25 years now. Yoga is about spirit and mind and body and the union of those. It’s the ultimate wellness package, for body, mind and spirit. It’s a challenge and an exploration.
If you’d like, you can check my Bio Page here and get some more nitty gritty details. If that’s not enough info, well, then you’re just gonna have to talk to me. ;)